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Interior design

  • A Guide: How Do Roman Blinds Differ from Roller Blinds?

    What’s the difference between Roller blinds and Roman blinds, and which one should you get for your space? Roller and Roman blinds have similar functions—to prevent light from entering your space and create privacy. But in terms of how they look and the material in which they are made, you’ll see the distinct difference between the two. 

    Roller blinds look like more modern versions of Roman blinds. The blinds are supplied with a cord on each side with which they can be rolled up or down. Roman blinds, however, cannot completely block sunlight. 

    Roman blinds are common in spaces like your bedroom because they have a cosy look. They are also great for offices because they have a professional look suitable for commercial spaces. 

    Roller blinds may be custom-built at affordable prices. The lack of slats on roller blinds gives them a cleaner, classier look than Roman blinds, fitting most of the design styles you find in homes today. 

    In any case, Roman or roller blinds can be easier to maintain and clean than the usual curtains. They are also more durable since they can easily be cleaned without removing them or putting them in a washer.

    Here are some more differences between roller blinds and Roman blinds:


    1. Pricing


    Roman blinds are typically more costly than roller blinds. Hence, if you are looking for a touch of luxury and do not regularly redecorate, roman blinds are a great option. So the cost may be another factor to consider why you’d go for either Roman blinds or roller blinds. 


    2. Blocking Daylight in Your Space


    When folded, Roman shades tend to cover part of the window unless you have them outside the bedroom and high above the window. This means that even when folded, they tend to block some light in the room. Roller blinds have the advantage of taking up less space in the window, allowing more light into the room.

    If the amount of light entering a room is important to you, consider opting for roller blinds to let in more light.


    3. Design and Features


    Roman blinds provide interiors with a classic look that can match a variety of interior designs. Roman blinds are fabricated from whole cloth with a double coating, providing superb insulation and a light blocker. 

    The fabric’s design on roller blinds, however, disappears as you roll up the blinds entirely. Roman blinds, on the other hand, still show patterns and designs even when they are stacked up or rolled up. 

    But roller blinds are more preferred in more modern homes. More traditionally designed homes typically go for Roman blinds, especially since most of these homes use traditional window designs like shutters, calling for Roman blinds as a better window treatment alternative. 


    4. Maintenance or Upkeep


    Roller blinds are easy to maintain and are also the safest window treatments to use in any space. They can be activated with a chain, spring, or motorized. Upkeep and cleaning are also easier with roller blinds than Roman blinds. If you are putting them in a kitchen, bathroom, or den where window treatments can get dirty easily, it is better to use roller blinds than Roman blinds. 


    Roman blinds and shades work the same, but they look and function differently. Their subtle differences also make them hard to set apart. To make the best decision, consider your needs and budget. It all boils down to your preference and why you’re going for blinds as window treatments in the first place.

    You can use Roman Blind Kits if you wish to make your own roman blinds

    Direct Fabrics delivers a wide variety of both roller blinds and roman blinds, now that you are well informed on the pros and cons of each, make you decision on which suits your needs best and visit our website now to explore! We provide superior-quality fabrics for hotels, schools, care homes and more. We also have specialty curtains such as flame-retardant curtains and blinds, blackout curtains, acoustic curtains, cubicle curtain track and disposable hospital curtains in the UK. We can also serve bulk B2B orders. Call us today!

  • Different Ways Blinds Can Boost Your Workplace Productivity

    When it comes to nourishing your team, one of the most important things to keep in mind is to provide them with a workspace that boosts their motivation and productivity. With that said, it's crucial to pay attention to every detail of your space, from your layout to room colour, desks, and even ambient sounds. 

    But besides the ergonomic desk features and eye-pleasing colour combinations of your space, some factors you should also consider are your room's temperature and lighting. We're all aware that an under-lit room can increase eye strain and headaches, making it impossible for your team to work properly. 

    Not to mention, when the space is too hot or too cold, it can also cause fatigue and drowsiness. So the best way to counter this and control the room's light and temperature is by installing blinds

    Blinds are an effective type of window covering, allowing you to control how much light can come into your workplace and helps manage the area's temperature. So, whether you're looking for cassette roller blinds or metal blinds, having these window installations can definitely help boost productivity at your workplace.

    Different Types of Blinds

    Companies like Direct Fabrics offer high-quality flame retardant blinds that are perfect for your workspace. Here are some of the blind types that you should consider:

    • Vertical blinds are made of PVC slats and are hung from runners that slide along a headrail. 
    • Venetian blinds are one of the most common types of blinds, and you can use either metal, real wood, or even fake wood. These blinds are strung together with types or ribbons. 
    • Contract roller blinds come in one piece of durable fabric, allowing you to roll them up seamlessly and could help you blackout a room.
    • Contract roman blinds contract by folding on top of each fold, providing an interesting look to your space.

    How Do Blinds Help Boost Productivity at Work?

    Benefit #1: It Reduces Sun Glare

    There's nothing more irritating than having to dodge bright sun glares. Sun glares can heat up your space really quickly and even cause eye strain, making it much harder for your employees to work. To prevent squinting and contorting of bodies to mask the glare, it's best to install blinds to manage the light that comes into your space.

    Benefit #2: Incredibly Energy-Saving

    As mentioned earlier, blinds can help control the temperature of your room. Since it can do this, you'll be happy to know that blinds can help you save on energy costs, allowing you to use natural light to help heat the space or to cool your workspace by bringing the blinds down. 

    Benefits #3: Provides Control

    Another great thing about blinds is that every employee will have the option to control the blinds however they want. So if one of your members has a unique preference for lighting, they can easily manage this by moving the blinds, making them more productive.

    Fortunately, you can also design your own blinds with a roman blind kit, allowing you to create blinds that work best for your workspace.

    Benefit #4: Reduces Sun Exposure

    Although sun exposure can be good at times, too much of it can be hazardous to your health and could also burn your employees. Not to mention, your office appliance and equipment may sustain damage as well. For this reason, it's best to mitigate sun exposure by using blinds to help control the flow of heat in your space. 

    The Bottom Line: Blinds Are Your Secret Tool To Enhance Your Workspace Environment

    When it comes to providing comfort and security at work, installing blinds is both a functional and aesthetically pleasing solution. Having control over the amount of light that comes in and managing your thermal environment can help improve your employees' productivity, making them happy and more motivated to work. 

    From choosing a roman blind kit or even blackout curtains, whatever suits your employee's needs is what you need to add to your space.

    How Can We Help You?

    If you're looking to enhance the functionality of your windows and workspaces, it's best to reach out to Direct Fabrics.

    We are a fabric supplier for hotels, care homes, schools, and other types of businesses. From stage curtains to hotel room curtains, office blinds to cubicle curtains and tracks — we're here to help. 

    Are you looking for the best blinds in the UK? Check out our high quality products on our easy to navigate website today!

  • 5 Types of Blinds That Require the Least Maintenance

    Most establishments consider two primary factors in choosing their blinds: appearance and practicality. People want a pair of blinds, shades, or drapes that provide an appealing aesthetic to their rooms while providing excellent privacy and light regulation.

    However, most businesses usually don't have the time for posh blinds that need rigorous upkeep, whether that means they are constantly gathering dust or cracking or splitting after only a few months of purchase. With all the tasks businesses face daily, there's simply little space for blinds that need checking every day or so. This brings us to the critical question:

    Which Blinds Need the Least Maintenance?

    The good news is that most blinds do not require a lot of upkeep. They require a little dusting every few weeks, as well as a thorough cleaning if they get dusty or grubby. However, some types may necessitate extra consideration and care when cleaning to avoid harming the materials.

    Here, we've ranked blinds in order of ease of cleaning to those that require a bit more time and effort. Continue reading to find out which blinds are the easiest to clean and maintain:

    1. Vertical Blinds

    Many individuals believe that vertical blinds are the best bet when it comes to maintenance requirements. The vertical slats gather relatively little dust, and a light clean with a vacuum cleaner or feather duster now and then is generally all that is required to maintain them in good shape.

    They are certainly in the running for the most straightforward blinds to clean!



    2. Roller Blinds

    Following that, roller blinds provide one of the best fabric options ranging from waterproof and flame-resistant PVC textiles to antibacterial fabrics perfect for keeping public places germ-free. These fabrics are available in various colours and design styles, proving that functionality does not have to be dull.

    If you choose with a PVC blackout blind, you can easily clean and rinse it down. For other textiles, we recommend wiping clean with a wet cloth and avoiding abrasive detergents, which may harm the fabric.



    3. Honeycomb Blinds

    Honeycomb blinds are a popular option for those looking for thermal blinds. The cellular structure of these blinds produces an insulating layer. They may be utilized to keep heat in your office when it's cold or to keep scorching sunshine out on sunny days.

    These blinds are not only energy-efficient but also extremely simple to clean. They are generally composed of tough, dust-repellent anti-static materials. This means you won't have to clean them as frequently as you would with other types of cloth blinds. When dust begins to accumulate on the window shades, routine vacuuming will do.

    4. Panel Glide Blinds

    These fashionable and functional blinds are an ideal low-maintenance alternative for sliding doors or full-length windows. A quick dusting or vacuuming will often remove any dust accumulated on the surface, and a warm, wet cloth may be used to spot clean the blinds as needed.

    Panel glide blinds are an excellent choice when looking for the most accessible blinds to clean.

    5. Metal Venetian Blinds

    Aluminium Venetians require little maintenance; Run a feather duster along the slats every few months or so, and you're good to go. If the blind is slanted enough, dust buildup will be minimal. Because of their ease of cleaning and extensive range of colours, Venetian blinds are a popular and cheap option for homeowners.


    Numerous elements, such as materials and the mechanisms used to open and shut them, contribute to a blind's longevity and maintenance requirements. These five options are a no-brainer if you want to give your clients a great mix of beauty and function!

    Are you looking to invest in quality commercial blinds for businesses like hotels, schools and care homes? Direct Fabric can help! We offer a wide range of quality blinds and over 60 years of industry experience providing excellent and professional assistance to our clients. Check out our products today!

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