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  • What Is the Difference between a Shade and a Blind

    Some are unaware that greenhouse gases can also deplete the ozone layer protecting us from the harsh effects of UV light. Although we are trying to 

    lessen our carbon footprint, we have to protect ourselves from the severe rays. Should we not protect our belongings from the harsh rays if this is the case?

    It is why we need shades. Before you go shopping, it would be wise to understand the difference between a shade and a blind. With that said, please continue reading this article. It will help you determine the disparity between them before purchasing a Roman blind kit. 


    The shades and blinds are similar because they both block the harsh rays coming through the window. However, there is a trivial difference between the two. A blind tends to cover the entire window, covering all the glass exposed to the outside and inside.    

    On the other hand, a shade is a custom-made cover over the glass. They can roll up or down, depending on the situation. If you are unsure, you can ask your blind supplier to provide a simple demonstration, and it will clear up your doubts. Both blinds and shades are available in various fabric designs, patterns and colours.

    For instance, a Roman blind kit is not just plain fabric. It has a cord and pulley system to allow you to lift or pull the material to the top of the window. You can also roll it down quickly when the need arises. It is vital to note that blinds are remnants of the past.


    Some people opt for shades because they think they are more durable than blinds. Blinds can be damaged if you use them without following the instructions. For instance, you might pull the cord too hard, and it will snap. Blinds are incredibly long, so you need to be careful while using them. 

    The weight of a roman blind kit can cause a lot of pressure on the curtain poles. If you are not careful with your blinds, they can break. It is not the case with shades. The material is more delicate than the one used for blinds, but blinds can be easily washed.


    The Roman blind kit is easy to care for. For example, you have to dry them in a dryer if you wash your curtains. If you do it on a line, it might lead to mildew. With this in mind, you should put blinds in a dryer to ensure they are completely dry and they will be safe. 

    If you do not want to risk your roman blind kit, you can use a hairdryer. On the other hand, shades can be damaged if they face direct sunlight. The material could fade and shrink. However, the damage is not apparent immediately. 

    If you are not sure if your shade is fading, you can ask a professional to examine your blinds. Blinds can also fade if they face the sun, but the shade will be damaged first. 

    Fading can be averted by putting your shades on the window instead of the curtain poles. The sun shines through the window, but the material will fade more slowly.


    It is clear that the Roman blind kit is an excellent investment. It is a very useful item, and it will help enhance the aesthetic value of your home. Make sure you choose the right material, and it will serve you well. It is why you should spend a little more on it.

    If you are looking for a Roman blind kit, you should visit Direct Fabrics. We also offer a wide range of fabrics, curtains and bedding. Check our collection and request a quote now!

  • 7 Window Treatment Materials And What They Can Offer To You

    Without any window treatments, over two-thirds of the sunlight that reaches your window enters the room as heat. This, in turn, can force your HVAC to work extra hard to keep your room at a comfortable temperature, which can lead to an increase in energy consumption and, consequently, your electrical bills.

    So, an obvious solution to this, of course, is to use window treatments. However, there are many types of window treatments out there, not to mention the myriad of materials used.

    Today, we want to talk about the types of window treatment materials and what they can offer to you:

    1. Wood

    Wooden window shades are a great option, as they are not only aesthetically pleasing, but they offer ample natural light filtering properties—which is especially useful for those who live in areas with high sun exposure. Additionally, wooden shades are very sturdy and typically don’t require much upkeep, other than occasionally cleaning them with water and mild soap. Finally, wooden shades are typically quite affordable compared to other types of window treatments.

    2. Vinyl

    If you love the look of wooden shades but are concerned about the upkeep required, we have good news for you. You can get the look of wood without having to worry about the upkeep by choosing vinyl. These window treatments are made from recycled plastics, which means that they do not get easily discoloured and they do not need to be cleaned. In addition, they are strong and sturdy, but they are also very affordable.

    3. Flax

    Flax is a plant-based fibre that is woven into a fabric and used to make window treatments. This material is relatively affordable and offers quite a few benefits: being cool in the summer and warm in the winter, helping keep light out of the room, and being somewhat resistant to mould and mildew.

    4. Linen

    Linen is an all-natural fibre that is woven into fabrics, like curtains and Roman shades. Due to its durability and stiff, crisp texture, linen is often used to make window treatments because it stays smooth and crisp even after use and is easy to clean. Additionally, it is resistant to mould and mildew, it is fire-retardant, and it is great for soundproofing.

    5. Silk

    Silk is actually a byproduct of the silkworm’s cocoon. It is smooth and soft, but it is also very durable and does not easily wrinkle. It also does not require much maintenance, is opaque, and is great for soundproofing. It also acts as an excellent insulator, which is a bonus in keeping your rooms comfortable.

    6. Synthetics

    Synthetic fabrics are woven into fabrics, like curtains and Roman shades, to create window treatments. The most popular synthetic fabric used is polyester. It is wrinkle-resistant and can be cleaned easily with water and mild soap. It is also fairly durable and easily ironed.

    7. Aluminium

    If you want something that’s not only decorative but has more function than a regular curtain, you may want to consider a shade made from aluminium. These shades are typically made of wood but have been coated with aluminium to prevent deterioration. They also prevent sunlight from entering the room as heat, which can help to reduce your heating bills.


    Overall, the type of window treatment that you choose has to do with your personal preferences and how each material fits into your budget. As you can see, different materials can offer different benefits to you. Do realise, however, that they also have their own downsides. Regardless, as long as you choose a window treatment that fits your needs, there’s no wrong choice!

    Direct Fabrics is a supplier of high-quality fabrics for care homes, schools, and more. If you are looking for flame retardant blinds bland other window treatments for your commercial property, reach out to us today!

  • Improve Productivity and Happiness in the Office with the Right Window Blinds

    Your office is supposed to be a space where you and your team can be most productive. It is an environment where you perform tasks that will help the business grow and help you achieve career growth. 

    Therefore, it is important for the room to be aesthetically pleasing and comfortable, and practical. You don’t need to get luxurious plush armchairs or the most expensive furniture. But you need to make sure that you’re doing what you can to ensure the comfort and, ultimately, the productivity of the people working there. 

    In this post, we’re going to focus on the importance of finding the right cassette roller blinds in the UK for your office:

    The Importance of Light Regulation in Workspaces

    There are a couple of reasons why you need to make use of light regulation options in your office. First of all, they help you to save energy. That’s right: those beautiful, massive windows in your office are the source of most of your office’s heating and cooling bills. With the right blinds, you can reduce energy consumption in your office. 

    Another important reason is that light regulation affects the comfort and productivity of every team member. You want to ensure that people can get more light or block out light when needed. Some people need more light to work while others get distracted by too much sunlight, so it’s crucial that the employees can adjust the lighting in their area as they see fit.

    Why Are Window Blinds Important to Have In Your Office?

    Window blinds are an efficient, practical, and cost-effective option for regulating light in the office. They will not only help you to save money in the long run but they will also help improve the productivity of your team.

    They will keep the light out when it is not necessary, thus allowing you to reduce the number of artificial light sources you have to use. This will enable you to save on energy bills as well as ensure that your employees get to perform at their best throughout the day.

    How Can You Choose the Best Type of Blinds for the Office?


    You could have custom-made cassette roller blinds, pleated blinds, Venetian blinds, or a range of other blind types. But which

     option is the best?

    Well, it depends on what you need your blinds for. For instance, if you want the blinds to offer privacy, then you will be looking for a type of blind that offers opacity to light.

    On the other hand, if your primary concern is to control the amount of light that enters the office, you will be looking for a roller blind. Roller blinds are versatile, easy to use, and easy to install, too. This means that they will save you a significant amount of money and ensure that you get your blinds installed in no



    For most businesses, lighting is probably the most significant energy expense. Therefore, you will want to be able to invest in something that will not only save you money but will also provide your team with a better working environment. That is where roller blinds come in.

    As you’ve now read, roller blinds are both cost-effective and practical. They can be used for light regulation and privacy, and they are easy to install. They are also easy to maintain, and with their durability and ease of use, it is no wonder why they are a popular choice for many businesses.

    If you’re looking for the best cassette roller blinds in the UK, you should be looking no further than Direct Fabrics.

    Direct Fabrics can provide you with the highest quality cassette roller blinds in the UK. Contact us to know more about our products!

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