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  • Help Measuring for Wave Curtains

    Help Measuring for Wave Curtains

    Today we're here to address one of our most frequently asked questions: measuring for wave curtains and then installing them. We'll break it down into simple steps to make your curtain project a breeze.

    Understanding Wave Curtains

    Firstly, let's clarify what wave curtains are. They are a type of curtain that uses a fixed and glided system to create equidistant pleats, forming a beautiful wave effect. The pleats are held in place by gliders, which make it easy to achieve that stunning wave pattern.

    Calculating Gliders for Your Wave Curtain

    One common query is how to determine the number of gliders needed for your wave curtain track. To calculate this, you'll want to ensure there's more fabric than the track's width so that pleats can form perfectly. As a general rule of thumb, aim for approximately 2.3 times the track's length.

    For instance, if your track is three meters long, divide this by 8, which equals 80 centimetres. Since you need an even number of gliders, you'd round this up to 40 gliders, with 20 on each side. This distribution ensures that your curtain drapes beautifully.

    Measuring for Wave Curtain Gliders

    When measuring for gliders, it's best to install the track first. This way, you can easily measure from the underside of the track. For wall-mounted tracks, measure from the underside of the track to your desired length.

    For ceiling-mounted tracks, measure in the same manner, ensuring you start from the underside of the track. This precision guarantees a well-dressed finish for your window.

    Reducing Measurements

    In some cases, you might need to account for additional factors like track depth or floor-to-ceiling measurements. For instance, if your floor-to-ceiling measurement is 300 centimetres and the track has a depth of three centimetres subtract that from your original measurement to ensure a perfect fit.

    Determining Extension Past the Window

    To achieve the ideal finish where your wave curtains align perfectly with the recess, you'll need to calculate how far your track should extend past the window. A good rule of thumb is that for every one meter of track, extend it by 18 centimetres past the window.

    For example, with a three-meter track, you'd extend it by 27 centimetres on each side. This provides a polished and professional look.

    Installation Tips

    When it comes to installation, you have some flexibility. Ceiling mounting is often more forgiving, as you only need to account for the track's depth. If you're wall mounting, allow for some tolerance by positioning the track slightly below the windowsill level. This will make it easier to achieve a flawless finish.

    Measuring for Wave: Video

    If you've found this video helpful, please consider liking and sharing it. If you have any further questions or need additional information, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to assist you in creating the perfect wave curtain installation for your space.

  • Achieving Perfect Darkness: Blackout Bedroom Curtains with Dual Application

    Achieving Perfect Darkness with Blackout Dual Application Curtains


    Welcome to Direct Fabrics! In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of blackout bedroom curtains and explore how to create the perfect darkness in your bedroom or nursery. We understand the significance of a peaceful and dark environment for quality sleep and relaxation.

    The Significance of a Dark Room

    A dark room is essential for quality sleep and relaxation, whether it's in a guest bedroom or a nursery for your little one. Blackout curtains play a pivotal role in achieving this by not only blocking out light but also helping maintain a comfortable temperature in your space.

    The Challenge of Light Seepage

    Even with the best blackout products, some degree of light seepage is common, especially when curtains or blinds are not floor-to-ceiling. In our video demonstration, we highlighted this issue with a recess-fitted blackout roller blind, where light bled around the edges. We also discussed the light seepage around the door and, most notably, beneath the roller blind.

    The Solution: Dual Application Curtains

    Direct Fabrics has an excellent solution to combat these light seepage issues - our dual application curtains. These curtains are specially designed to minimize light penetration, providing a near-perfect blackout experience. Let's explore how they work:

    Blackout Roller Blinds

    Our dual-application curtains work in tandem with roller blinds. By combining these two, you can achieve a 99% darkening effect. The roller blinds serve as the primary light block, while the curtains further enhance the darkness.

    Floor-to-Ceiling Coverage

    For the best blackout results, we recommend extending the curtains from the floor to the ceiling, ideally covering the entire wall. This comprehensive coverage ensures that no light can penetrate from the sides or the top.

    Thermal Benefits

    Apart from the light benefits, our dual-application curtains also provide thermal advantages. They help reflect heat during summer, keeping your room cool, and retaining warmth during winter, ensuring a cosy and energy-efficient environment.

    Considerations for Achieving Perfect Results

    While achieving perfect darkness is the ultimate goal, certain factors need consideration. For instance, room layout, the presence of radiators, and window sill levels can impact the effectiveness of blackout solutions. In some cases, compromises may be necessary.

    Blackout Effect: Video


    In summary, Direct Fabrics' dual-application curtains are an excellent choice for achieving near-perfect blackout conditions in your bedroom or nursery. By combining them with blackout roller blinds and ensuring floor-to-ceiling coverage, you can create a serene and dark environment that promotes restful sleep and relaxation. We understand that every space is unique, and we're here to provide you with expert advice and solutions tailored to your needs.

  • Understanding Wave Curtain Fabric Choices

    Understanding Wave Fabric Choices and Installation

    Choosing the Right Fabrics

    In this example, we've opted for two different fabrics to showcase their versatility. The first, in this Understanding Wave post, is our popular Mimus fabric - a soft, beautifully draping fabric that pleats perfectly. It's a top choice for those who desire an elegant, light-diffusing look.

    The second fabric we're featuring is our Horizon blackout fabric. As the name suggests, it offers total blackout capabilities with its three-pass coating. This lightweight matte finish fabric ensures a dark and peaceful ambience in your space.

    Walk-Through Wave Curtains

    One unique aspect of wave curtains is their ability to create gaps for easy passage. This is particularly handy for spaces with bifold or sliding doors, as you can walk through the curtains without pushing them aside. The elegant wave pattern ensures a beautiful, consistent drape.

    Light Seepage and Solutions

    While wave curtains provide excellent coverage, some light seepage can occur at the pelmet due to the pleat's nature. One solution is to use a pelmet, but this may compromise the aesthetic. Nevertheless, this minor seepage doesn't overshadow the curtain's beauty and functionality.

    Dim Out vs. Blackout

    If you're looking for complete darkness, our blackout fabric is the answer. It reduces light seepage significantly and also offers thermal benefits. The white back of the fabric reflects heat in the summer, keeping your space cool, and in the winter, it prevents heat from escaping.

    We've even conducted thermal box testing, showing that our blackout curtains can reduce energy consumption by 30% when used with double-glazed windows. Save money on your energy bills while enjoying the perfect ambience.

    The Dimout Fabric

    Our dimout fabric is also a great choice. It may allow a tiny bit of light to pass through but remains an excellent option for those who prefer a bit of natural light. It's a versatile and cost-effective choice for any space.

    Measuring for Wave Curtains

    Proper measurement is crucial for the perfect fit. Measure from the underside of the track to the desired length, allowing a slight one-centimetre gap from the floor. This small gap accommodates any movement the fabric may experience over time due to temperature changes.

    Understanding Wave: Video


    In summary, wave curtains are a fantastic choice for modern, stylish window dressing. They offer versatility, elegance, and functionality. If you have any questions or need samples, please don't hesitate to contact our team. We're here to help you find the perfect wave curtains for your space. Thank you for watching, and we look forward to assisting you.

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